Promoting Ecommerce

Promoting Ecommerce

You setup your online store, which seemed pretty difficult at first but you got the hang of it after a while. Now the challenge is how to drive traffic to the store, E-commerce is great because the cost of maintaining the store is generally pretty low. But unlike the high street you don't get foot fall for just having a shop, its not like the offline market in that respect, you need to drive traffic to your site to make it work.

A good thing about ecommerce is that it can scale up easily if your get more and more sales you can expand your hosting account and increase your stock levels.

What drives visitors to a website?

That is an easy question to answer just not easy to put the answer into practice. It's all about the following three words "Text and links” and you can forget the "and”!


Google and the other search engines are text analysis systems, what they are about is find the most relevant documents they can for any given search phrases. A page is only relevant if it's about the phrase searched for, so this is simple. The more traffic you want the more phrases your need on your pages, and therefore the more pages you need. Google in particular is very good at detecting artificial pages, so it's not about throwing endless cookie cutter types of pages together with just a few words differences between them. It's about genuine high quality pages about each product you sell.

In the context of an ecommerce store that means long descriptive pages explaining exactly your products their features and benefits. Getting the idea? It's not difficult then to understand that a longer richer page will perform far better than a short page with just a few lines of text on.

Don't copy, Google has a filter to exclude copied content, so all pages have to be 100% unique, if you feel yourself falling into the copy paste routine it's going to cause your problems. The more copied or duplicate content your have the bigger that problem is going to be for you.


Link popularity is one of the core elements of the Google algorithm, when you perform a search on Google the sites your see are sorted into link quality order, so links are kind of the online equivalent to votes, the more votes you get the higher your page appears.

Google also has a filter for low quality spamming links, the sort your get 100's of emails all the time offering you're for a few US dollars.

A few years ago, you could get wonderful results by using automated software to create massive numbers of links that now pushes sites down rather than up, so it's become counter productive.

To get top results, you need high quality links from high reputation sites, and the more of those the better.

How to do it

So now you now what to do, but how to do it? Fortunately we can help, here at Discount Domains we have our own in house team of copywriters, these are typically either Graduates or graduate calibre, we also have a talented team of link builder who know just where to place links for your websites that meet the requirements for high quality and reputation.

So if you need help, you know everything now you need. Call us on 01952 898701 and we'll start working to get the results your ecommerce site deservers. We work with all sorts of platforms but particularly Prestashop.

Adrian Lawrence is a Director of Discount Domains Ltd one of the top UK companies for Search Marketing an ecommerce store.

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