Have you thought about using pay per click to promote your website?

The most popular form of online marketing is known as pay per click, you only get charged if your ad is clicked and in theory at least only interested visitors will wish to click your ad. This article discusses the topic in more detail.

Pay per click

There is now a very significant global advertising market for pay per click, Google the internet giant makes always all of its $10's of billions of turnover for this activity.  It works, it is that simple, visitors searching for a phrase using the Google search engine are presented with paid advertising around the natural search engine results. Of course the ads at the top of the page get more clicks that those at the bottom. The google Advertising pay per click program is called Google adwords.

Our site appears at position #2 in the natural results, but above the adverts in a yellow box are paid adverts, and the same sort of advertising appears on the right hand side.

How does pay per click work.

Each advertiser creates their own ads, sets location and the price they are prepared to pay for each click.  They enter a credit card for payment together with a budget and launch their campaigns.

How much does pay per click cost?

This depends on the volume of daily queries and how much advertisers are prepared to bid for each slot.  You can spend a very large amount of money easily on pay per click. This could work well however if you have a good conversion rate and enough profit within each sale to cover the costs.

Its not unusual for companies to spend £10K to £25K per month but make £20K-£50K or more of sales.  A factor to consider is the lifetime of potential future earnings you might make from each client, for example if you offer a service such as Domain Name Registration, where your customer will be back in the future for renewal and extra potential services.

Are there alternatives?

The best long term strategy is to build up your natural search results, so you appear at the top of search results, in much the way, that Discount Domains does for the example phrase above of "Domain name registration” This takes a lot of time and hard work, to develop content and to build quality links.

If you are interested in Search Marketing then we have an in-house team dedicated to this and would be more than happy to create a quote for you.

Adrian Lawrence is the author of this article and is one of the webmasters at Discount Domains https://plus.google.com/u/0/106088322856862782725/posts


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