Wordpress is by far and away the leading blogging tool, its free, regularly updated and supported by a large international community, so you can be sure there are always plugins and new features coming along to meet your needs. It also seems to be liked by the Search Engines which is a great bonus if you want to attract visitors to your content and blog.
Cpanel is one of the top web hosting packages provided by web hosting companies, its feature rich and easy to use. This article gives you a step by step guide to installing wordpress on a cpanel hosting platform.
Just follow these simply steps:-
Visit the wordpress and download the latest version http://wordpress.org/download/.
Something to be aware of with wordpress is that the hacking community does have a habit of finding weaknesses in the wordpress script which then get exploited, wordpress very quickly releases fixes so it is important to use the latest stable version.
Unzip wordpress and make a note of the folder you have stored the unzipped files in. I usually create a new folder and call it Wordpress Version X (Where X is the latest version number from the Wordpress site)
Next step is to use FTP software to upload wordpress. If you don't have any already, I can recommend FTP surfer which is free and it can be found here:- http://download.cnet.com/FTP-Surfer/3000-2160_4-10027849.html
Login to your /cpanel account and select the MySql Database wizard icon
Create a database and note down its name
Create a user and note its name and password. The password should be a long secure one with numbers and letters
Add the user to the database with all priviledges.
Tip - wordpress is expecting the full database name and full username which usually has the format part1_part2 if you see an error it is most likely because you have only used part of the database or username.
Now open your website.
You should see a configuration page asking you to input the database information you created in Step 3 above. Once you complete that you will be asked to select a password and email address for reminders, complete that and you are done!
That's it complete, the whole process normally only takes 5 or so minutes
Wordpress is a great blogging platform and now comes with a range of professional looking templates that makes it easier than ever to get a professional looking blog up and live in a matter of minutes.
Adrian Lawrence is the author of this article and is one of the webmasters at Discount Domains https://plus.google.com/u/0/106088322856862782725/posts
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